2024-25 Crimson Cliffs High School
Step 1
READ carefully with your parents. Both parent and student must sign the form. BRING TO AUDITION.
Step 2
READ all the information thoroughly and carefully and answer thoughtfully.
Step 3
SIGN UP for an audition time. April 17-20 is available. Sign up 3 at a time. Plan to stay the ENTIRE 1/2 hour.
Step 4
Assigned Song: Learn "Homeward Bound" through Measure 27.
Step 5
Prepare your desired part or parts for your Group Song, "April is in My Mistress' Face."
Your audition will consist of
A vocal range check (low, high and register shifts)
Audio memory - how well you are able to hum back a note pattern that I play for you
Sight singing - sight sing approximately 4 measures of music that I give you
Assigned Song: Sing through "Homeward Bound" by yourself.
Group Song: Sing with the other two people who are scheduled in your audition time "April is in My Mistress Face" (you choose your part or parts).
The total process for an individual's portion should take about 10 minutes. The group singing will take about 10 minutes. We will schedule in blocks of 1/2 hour (you and 2 other singers will audition in your block). Please plan to be available for the entire block.
You must perform the song in the part or parts that you would like to be considered. For example, if you do not sing the alto line, you will most likely not be considered as an alto in the choir. You may audition for both soprano and alto parts or tenor and bass parts to improve your chances. Be well prepared to sing both parts.
Preparation for the Assigned Song (Homeward Bound) and the Group Song (April is in My Mistress Face) will be a huge factor in the audition. I want to see your personality and vocal skill in the Assigned Song. I want to see confidence, the ability to hold your part in tune and your awareness of the other parts in the Group Song. Do not worry too much about the range checks, audio memory and sight singing. These are more testing measures for me to assess where I think your voice is best suited. You DO need to work on the songs.
To access links to practice tracks for the Assigned Song and the Group song, click on the buttons for Step 4 and Step 5.
I do not select choir members on talent alone. Desire, commitment, work ethic and dependability are highly considered in addition to vocal skill.
Remember: I am your greatest cheerleader. I want you to do your very best. I will do everything I can to help you relax and show off your singing.